So...I hit my goal weight about 2 weeks ago and attempted to gradually transition back to maintenance calories. Almost immediately, I found myself reverting back to bad habits in a BIG way - snacking, drinking, not being as diligent with my workouts, etc. Although I haven't stepped on a scale in about a week, I can feel…
Disclaimer: I am very happy with the progress I've made, but I'm just curious to know what is happening in this body of mine. Although I've very consistently hit my target calories and burned a similar amount of calories every day, I've noticed that my weight loss tends to follow a particular pattern: I'll get to a low…
I'm about 3 lbs above my goal weight and trying to think ahead to maintenance. I've read a few well-written and seemingly well-thought out posts that say that because the body wants to immediately replenish its water and glycogen stores, you should actually shoot for a weight below maintenance before bringing your calories…