Do clothes affect the way your body looks? I have experimented a lot with fashion and I currently like the loose fitting style/ bohemian trend. However, maybe it is not complimentary. I have experimented with punk fashion when I was a teenager and then just fell into a tomboyish look as a young adult. At the moment, I like…
Hey everyone, recently I have been getting very little support from my friends on my fitness pal. Most of them just seemed to have hectic ED statuses. I'm just looking for friends to talk to now and again on here and definitely motivate you along the way. I like Roleplaying Games (DND/SW/Fiasco), Playing Electric Bass…
Does this happen to everyone? I bought a scale and it does it to everyone that uses it. When I put it on a hard tile surface it says I'm 48kg and when I put it on a carpeted area it reads 52kg. My friends have all tried it out and they have the same results. Is it faulty? It was pretty cheap.