I have some Fitbit accessories
If you have one of these: http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/71JRypvgH-L._SL1500_.jpg I have a charger, a wristband and holder that goes with one that I'll send you if you can use them. Mine died and I moved on to the Charge HR.
Veggie hater needs recommendations
I've been making shakes for dinner and loving it. I got some raw spinach and added it to my shakes. It turned the shake green, but it was just a great way to add a vegetable to my dinner. What are some other veggies I can add to a shake that will give me the most nutrition bang for the buck?
Anyone have radical reaction to pineapple?
Years ago, i used to get indigestion from almonds. After some time passed, I would try a couple and eventually I could eat them again. I went through the same thing with lettuce, but now I can eat it again, no problem. Lately, it's been the same way with pineapple. I got a little complacent today and put a 1/2 cup of them…