Hi, So here is my story, I'll try to make this brief. I've always struggled with my weight and in Summer 2010, I decided to lose weight. Also at this time, I was told I had hypothyroid and started taking synthyroid. Once I started losing weight I became obsessed, etc...Before I knew it things got out of hand and by…
Help! Okay so, I am in recovery for an eating disorder. My weight kept getting lower and lower until I was put inpatient for anorexia. Now nearly a year later, and my weight keeps going up and up and it's getting out of control. I also haven't gotten my period in 3 years so today, actually..I'm going to the gyno. But I'm…
Hello, I appreciate any advice. About a year ago I was diagnosed with anorexia and went through hospitalization. After I got out I immediately started restricting again, and I guess I was at a hovering point with my calories because I started to struggle with bingeing and purging. So it was this cycle.. And now I'm finally…