Such a cute indie game! Anyone heard/tried it? I've downloaded the free trial, really reminds me of oldschool FF and the like :)
Hey hey, did anyone go to this last year and thinking of going again this year? It was pretty awesome last year, however was totally unprepared and didn't run to any queues eg Skyrim, Star Wars Old Republic, Battlefield 3 etc Played on some demos- azuras wrath and operation raccoon city and street fighter x tekken! The…
Does anyone else suffer with this? I get it very bad when I've had trouble sleeping and my body ends up crashing before my mind does. I once had the sensation of someone grabbing my legs at the end of the bed and pulling me down! Oof they're pretty nasty sometimes!
I dont suppose anyone has gone to see this yet? I'm hoping to catch it in November this year (London), I missed the first UK showing last year and was gutted! Would be interesting to hear from anyone who has gone.