:P ok, so they're not really tree trunks. maybe small trees... I'm a grad student, recently diagnosed with a wheat intolerance, (boo) and high blood pressure (even more booo) I lost 30 lbs last summer, and I want to do it again! I run every day with a friend, although he does more running and I do more waddling. But it's…
I've been running pretty early in the morning, and the mornings I don't have to work, I love to just go right back to sleep after my run. Is this counterproductive in terms of Metabolism boot?
Is anyone else out there having an incredibly difficult time balancing Graduate school work and health? I feel so tired and stressed most of the time that I don't have time to cook, and I really don't want to 'waste' time by exercising. I know that this is probably the exact opposite of helpful. I mean, late nights, no…