Morning all! I'm sure by now, quite a few of you have heard of the Occupy movement going on. I'll be joining a local chapter on Thursday which will continue indefinitely. I'll be camping outside and walking/marching most of the day while carrying a backpack weighing around 25lbs. I'm in the 230s, so we're looking at a huge…
No, I don't mean diet as in fad diet, but help with my daily intakes. These last few weeks, I've been struggling big time with losses, in weight or inches. Just seems like whatever I do, I can't break past the 238-240 range. Starting to get a little discouraged as it's been several weeks stuck at this level. This morning…
G'morning! This is going to seem like an odd request, but I'm really looking for help on this one. I really want to start doing workout sessions at home, but I have a small issue with most of the videos I've seen. They all have running or jumping in them. It's something I don't really feel comfortable doing on my top floor…
But I haven't felt like I'd see any changes in my body. I celebrated hitting 239 on Sunday, putting me at 51 total lost since March/ Early April. Been debating since Sunday if I should take a progress picture or not because I was afraid I wouldn't see anything. I sucked it up and did it anyway and now I'm glad I did. I…