Was wondering what happens when you've hit your calorie goal for the day but find you get hungry later... it doesn't feel that healthy to NOT eat when hungry.. Any good low calorie suggestions that will help tide me over on late study nights?
Hey! I introduced myself on here last week and have been floating around looking at forum posts but there are a lot of abbreviations and forum speak that being new to all this I just don't get! I wondered if there a post or page somewhere that explains some of this? Like, after much confusion I only just discovered what…
Hi all! I've been using the diary part of this site on and off for a few months but thought I would check out the forums as I think I could do with some support! I am around 5"2 and 140lbs and my goal weight is 112lbs. I've been really bad over summer and put on a whole stone! Need to get back on it but I'm just a junk…