Hi Everyone! What's up? How are u all? I am trying to focus ( again) on healthy living. The Lord wants my best. I turn it over to Jesus.
Love to Eat/Hate to Eat: Breaking The Bondage of Destructive Eating Habits by Elyse M. Fitzpatrick, a Bible centered book I own that includes topics to think about and discuss as well as a workbook. Anyone interested? I picked it up long ago at a hospital gift shop, but I see it's on amazon. Maria
Love to Eat/Hate to Eat is a Bible centered book I own that includes topics to think about and discuss as well as a workbook. Anyone interested? Maria
hi i'm new and so far so good as a stay at home mom i nurse and clean up after my 1 1/2 year old. i have a hard time doing anything else for exercise any advice for me on developing a schedule?