“Do you not yet understand, that whatsoever enters in at the mouth, goes into the belly, and is cast out into the sewer?” ~ Matthew 15:17 “Be not anxious for what you shall eat, or what you shall drink … or what you shall wear … Isn’t life more than food? … and the body more than clothing?” ~ Luke 12:22; 29 “Man does not…
Today I realized I let others have way too much control over me. Someone did something today that really hurt me. Instead of just being mad.....I go for food. Whats up with that? Others hurt me, so I need to hurt me too? Well fortunately I realized this just as I was about to starting cramming the fritos in my mouth, and I…
I am always looking for something new to try to make for dinner, only problem I don't have a ton of time, and my poor husband is getting a little tired of my experimenting with random recipes I find on the internet. I am a bad cook :( or atleast an inexperienced one. I am looking for easy stuff that is healthy especially…
Curious to see if anyone has or knows anything about the issues I am having. Approximately 3 months ago I was diagnosed with Hypothyoidism and put on generic for Synthroid and have had it adjusted twice. I am currently taking 75 mcg. Doctor said I developed it towards the end of my pregnancy which is what caused my…