I would be interested in hearing from any barefoot runners out there. My partner and I both run and we are having a great debate about going barefoot or not. He's a bit pessimistic but I'm keen to try it though I would expect it will take time to transition. On a distance run further than 15k I can feel the stress in my…
It was perfect. Great temperature since the thunderstorm broke the humidity, little country road all to myself, gentle breeze and the sound of my shoes. Got my little endorphin fix about 9k in and I felt like I could run forever. That's why I run, for those days when it all gels and feels like I know why I was put on the…
do you crave junk food when you're feeling under the weather? I'm battling the summer sniffles and I'm craving french fries and their salty goodness. I haven't buckled yet but we're in day 3 and my resolve is weakening.
Happy Canada Day!!!!! Get out there and enjoy the day. Run a little or walk a little. Just make sure to have some fun.