Hi all Is anyone taking part in GCC this year? If so, what is you team name? I'm in the Mischievous Badgers!
Since the beginning of February I've been cycling to work as I can no longer drive to work & I don't live on a bus route. On Thursday I got knocked off my bike by a car on my way to work. Luckily I came out of it with just a grazed knee & sore arm. I'm now off work for a week (holiday), but not looking forward to cycling…
Is anyone on here taking part in the global corporate challenge?
Hi I've been using myfitnesspal for a few weeks now. Some weeks are good, some not so good. I'm very lazy and really need to start doing some exercise. I'm looking after a friends dog this week, so hoping to get lots of walking in & hoping to join a gym once she's gone home. Could really do with some help & encouragement.…