I have lost 24 lbs so far and still eat pasta, rice and bread. The only thing now is, I will have pasta or rice once a week and bread is something that I eat everyday. Can someone break down the info on what bread is good for you? I eat whole wheat and whole grain. I am unsure which is better for you or if both are bad and…
Picture not uploading. Sorry =/ But I feel great though and will continue to strive!
Rice and pasta are a REALLY big part of my life. As a Puerto Rican lady, I eat a lot of rice but recently I started not eating the traditional spanish rice, just a cup of white rice with mixed veggies and pasta, sigh I just feel like it is impossible to replace. I have a few questions though. 1) Will cutting out these two…
Hey guys! I have used MyFitnessPal for about a year but just getting serious. I just wanted to introduce myself! My name is Tiffany, I am 19 years old, 5"7' and 285 lbs. I graduated high school in 2010 and have gained over 20lbs due to working at a job that I sat on my butt all day and driving everywhere and just being an…