Reciepe: 1 Flat out Wrap: Italian Herb Light 15 slices Hormel:Turkey Pepperoni 1 tsp Olive Oil 1 TBS Great value spaghetti sauce Traditional 1/4 Cup Shredded italian cheese blend Great value brand for me Calories 261 Carbs 20 Fat 15 Protein 23 Sodium 1, 192 ( can be lower with different ingredients just used what i had)…
I. Just wanted to shout to everyone how much I love this site. I have been to Weight loss sites before and had horrible results l. Here everyone has been so supportive and I have seen great results and more to come. This time I am so ready and this is my time and I just cant wait to have the day I can have before and after…
I'm new and i really came on here to lose some major weight and i really would like some support my family is not supportative which has made it hard before and some of my friends are just saying you need to do it alone but its like i dont see how i can do that any suggestions for anything please?