Hello! Can I ask if anyone here does Ketogains? High protein, moderate fats and low carb whilst lifting (which I love to do).
Hiya people! Just wondered if anyone loves weights. I dont mean body pump but heavy weights. I need to lose 28lbs and wondered if I should concentrate on cardio and leave weights until I have lost alot more bodyfat. I gain muscle quite well but as I have not lost much in the way of bodyfat I can end up bigger! lol! Just…
Hellloooo my name is Pia and I need to lose 2 stone (28lbs). Do alot of exercise but bodyfat just a BIG problem. Going to forget fad diets and do the old fashioned tried and tested calorie counting :) Would love to hear from anyone from anywhere! I live in England and am 42, married and have three lovely kiddies (well the…