:cry: Hi my name is Christine and I have tried many times to lose weight and failed, right now I am at my heaviest ever.. I am 36 years old, I am married with 4 children and want to set an example for my children on living a healthy lifestyle and feeling good about yourself, but I am finding it very hard to stay on track…
For the last couple of day I have been doing two 30 minute workouts a day. My question is how many times a day should I be working out is two to much, and how many days out of the week should I be working out?? Just wondering because I do not want to under or over do it when it comes to exercising.
I am 36 years old and am 5'1" tall and right now I weigh 160 lbs. and I am unsure what a realistic weight goal should be for someone of my height and age, I would love to get down between 105 lbs. and 115 lbs. but not really sure if that is a realistic goal for me. anyone have any suggestions??