I have been sick with URI and ear inf for 3 weeks and am on my 3rd round of antibiotics :( since I have been sick, I have allowed some bad habits to come back. Fast foods, sweets, carbs. I am disgusted with myself! I am up from 131 to 137 :( Anyone have any experience with taming my "mind"? I constantly feel "hungry" !…
I am excited to say that I am going to coach my son's soccer team ! I would've NEVER done this 160 lbs ago :)
When I made my original goal of 140 lbs. I thought that I would NEVER achieve it. Well, I DID it !! After that I nade of new goal of 135 lbs and I DID it !! My new goal is 130 lbs. Will I ever be satisfied. In my head I am still fat. Ughhhh :(
Any suggestions on how to handle the munchies at night? I do good all day long and then get home and relax and want to eat everything in site ! I tried drinking more water but then I am up half the night in the bathroom LOL I always have a protein shake about an hour after dinner and that used to curb my munchies, but it…
Hi...My name is Mandy and I'm new here thanks to Shannon ! I have lost a total of 155 lb so far, 50 lbs prior to surgery and 105 since RNY on 11/7/11. I am loving my new tool :) I hope to get to know all of you better. Mandy
Hi, I'm new feel free to add me....I definitely need encouragement. I live near Jacksonville, Florida :)