Friends - 32years & 50lbs to lose
Hi all.. Just joined again with a serious goal in mind.. I am looking for friends to keep each other motivated who are 32 years & have around 50lbs to lose.
Search for MFPs who hv bat 80lbs to lose
Hey so I'm looking for MFPs who are vegetarian & have about 80lbs to lose. Would love to friend someone who will keep in contact and keep each other on track to lose the lbs.. And be fit.. Please add me if you are serious only. I live in Sri Lanka so I don't have a lot of resources like in USA. But I am determined for…
Search for MFPs who r vegetarian & hv abt 80lbs 2 lose
Hi, So I'm looking for buddies who will keep each other accountable & have about 80lbs to lose. Please add me if you are active & is serious about losing weight.. I need all the support I can get. I am from Sri Lanka though.. so I don't have the resources available in USA.. :(
I have totally gotten addicted to sugar & sugar high... I miss being less heavy... I want to lose my stupid ugly over weight & become healthy.. But obviously it's not working since i keep stuffing everything I see, gobbling up anything I can get my hands on.. This is freaking craziii... I think i need professional help...…