soooo um...is ANYBODY else freaking out about this?!
http://www.washingtonpost.com/national/health-science/nasa-satellite-expected-to-hit-earth-this-week/2011/09/18/gIQARnpVdK_story.html because i am. there's so many complications that could come with a satellie entering and hitting the earth. what if it hits a heavily populated city? what if it hits an ocean and causes a…
and i'm talking about coworkers, friends etc. what was their first impression of you? after getting to know you, how did they describe you? for me, most peoples' first impression without talking to me is that i'm a bit snobbish, from what they have told me. but after having convos and seeing how i act, i've been labeled…
saturday plans?
what you guys got going on for today? after i get off work i might sneak a nap and a workout in. kind of wanted to go to the thrift mall today also..tonight me and my boyfriend are going to go on base to watch the mma fight also, def looking forward to that!
wierd things that you like?
for me i have a wierd fetish for the smell of hand sanitizer and gasoline...lmao what about you guys?
being involved with a married person
so i have a coworker, who has been recently divorced from her husband and he remarried very soon afterwards. they have 3 children together and a whole lot of baggage. she is very conflicted with this situation because he doesn't 'love' his new wife and has been coming over to her house and still being romantically involved…
the 'i'm officially bored at work' thread
so i spend pretty much my entire shift on here lol and i figured i should at least try to make a thread dedicated to entertaining myself and others so we can get through the clock together. so let's do this! let's fill this bad boy up with bad jokes, random facts and hilarious links/pics! i'll start it off with a random…
facebook and employers?
how do you guys feel about potential/current employers checking their employees' personal pages? do they have a right to look on a social network before hiring someone? if someone already works for a company, does their supervisor have the right to look on their page and penalize them for something on their page? i ask…
certified nursing assistant (cna) or dental assistant??
i graduated from lsu about 2 years ago with a degree in african and african american studies (minor anthropology). until i can get to grad school i was thinking about going to tech school to get certified as a cna or dental assistant. if anyone has worked in either of these fields i would love to hear the pros and cons of…
okay so i need as many opinions as possible
after posting in another topic, i realized that i needed some advice of my own. i'm 5'7" and weighing in at 146 right now. i've heard from many of my mfp friends that the last 10 pounds are the hardest to lose...considering i want to get down to at least 135, i feel like the nature of my goal is a difficult one already.…
are there any other skaters on here?
just wondering...would love to exchange stories and maybe add some friends!
movin yo body!
so what types of places consist of your night life when you're trying to get your groove on? what types of music do you like to dance to? me personally, i favor reggae and latino (salsa, merengue bachata etc) clubs the most. i rarely do the hip hop clubs because it's just gyrating to me lol i love watching people actually…
hrm advice!
okay, so is there any way i can score a polar a little cheaper than retail value? any sites where i might be able to bid on one or find one that's gently used? i have limited funds lol
all my folks in the columbus, ga and surrounding area
i'm relatively new to the area, what is there to do around here for entertainment??
yayyyy i lost an inch off my waist :O)
i was getting discouraged because i wasn't losing any weight on the scale, and i have a pretty intense workout regimen so i was wondering what was going on, until i took body measurements and realized i had lost an inch of my waist and hips! SO excited!
differences between brands of hrm?
so i'm balling on an exTREMEly low budget and just bought a sportline s12 heart rate monitor to count my calories and also track my running on the pedometer, i entered my age, gender, weight and height and it also requires stride measurements for the features. will this be accurate enough for me? i'm seeing that most…
are there any exercises..
that will actually make my boobs bigger? lol
i'm confused about something..
i have a very active exercise regimen and tend to burn a lot of calories daily, my target caloric intake is 1200 to lose weight, but when i plug in my workouts, it goes up based on what i've burned. this might sound like a dumb question lol but do i stick with the 1200? or the new calories posted based on my workouts?
hi guys
i'm new to the site, but i absolutely LOVE it. just checking in :)