Hey Turbo Fire Friends! I'm beginning the TF program Monday Jan 16! I'll be sharing my thoughts, measurements, weigh-ins, and giving motivational support! I will check in on Mon, Wed, and Fri of each week! Please join us on completing this awesome program and getting healthier! Eat clean. Train mean. Live lean. Nikki :)
Hi friends! I need to get something to better track my calories. Have any of you used both/either of these? I keep going back and forth on which to get. My biggest interest is calorie tracking. Thank you for reading!
i may be late ont his but thought i would share my find! ive heard of the 'JogFM' app, and thought id search around for a free version, cause i love free :D i came across 'FIT radio' which has great up tempo music mixes! you can choose genres, stations, or a certain dj! its ongoing mixes that really keeps me pumped up…
Hi! I will be starting TF this Monday if anyone is interested in starting the program with me. lots of people have already started since we are two weeks in to the new year but I thought there might be a late starter out there like me :) thanks for reading!