Looking for people with open diaries to help me for ideas. Add me if you would like. I need support and encouragement.
Looking for people to share their exercise, diary journals and vise versa. Need support
Needing new food ideas, challenging me, keeping on track, suggestions. I have done this 3 years ago... my dad passed and i gained all 30 pounds back. I have a fitbit as well. Anyone want to help me on my journey. I'm looking for faithful daily people. Thanks looking for friends to help along my way thanks. :)
Need someone to hang around with me on mfp. . I gave up, atnit afain....friend me if you are a serious logger. I need daily support
I need advice on how to train for this(running), shoes, eating etc...How can you lose weight and eat well enough for training.. I have done MFP for 1 year now and have lost 31 pounds. I walked the half marathon in Indy this past year and made it with a great time. Thanks so much, if you would like to add me feel free I…