I just decided that I am half-assing this lifestyle change so far and that's really pretty dumb. Why spend all of the energy on something youre not going to give your all? However, I need some friends in this because ... to be honest I dont have many and none are trying to diet.
So I totally blew a few days but was determined to go back on the wagon today and so far so good! I realize that I really just need support. I am having a hard time at this and am a total emotional and binge eater.
Im 32, a wife and mother of 3 who knows that I need support to be successful. I don't know anyone who is dieting and I have a hard time not saying "oh well, I'll just start again tomorrow". Help!!
So I lost 17lbs over the last 6 months and I have 55lb to go! I just got the app for my iPhone and am hoping this helps. I'm a semi-active 32 year old mother of 3. So far I love the app! Hopefully I can build a little support group on here.