dkabambe Member

  • Re: June 2017 Running Challenge

    Completely unintentional long interval training today. Left the house at lunch time intending to do about 10k, but despite me taking 3 bottles of cold fluids knew rather quickly I wasn't going to mak…
  • Re: June 2017 Running Challenge

    Today was just a quick 2 miles coming home from work - I normally walk it but was probably my only chance to run until Monday. Was nice to pick up the pace, although was downhill so that was easy eno…
  • Re: June 2017 Running Challenge

    Only planned 3k and only then because I knew I probably won't have time to run next few days, (maybe I could run the 3k back from work tomorrow but that will be it until Sunday evening at earliest). …
  • Re: June 2017 Running Challenge

    Out for a lovely seafront run into town but legs wouldn't work so only managed 4.6k of my planned 10k. Was hot (only 25C so nothing compared to some of you but first 20C+ run of the year for me!) Plu…
  • Re: June 2017 Running Challenge

    Planned 5k easy but ended up a little bit faster than easy. After 6 weeks after being quite lazy felt good to get a proper sweat on - even if it is mostly humidity related! 11-June: 6.50km easy 13-Ju…