dkabambe Member

  • Re: March 2017 Running Challenge

    Intervals today as 10min hard; 2.5min recovery x 4. I wasn't sure my legs were gong to be up to it, and couldn't decide between braving the wind this morning or the rain this evening. Decided to go o…
  • Re: March 2017 Running Challenge

    Today's assignment was 45 minutes easy. Even after a bath and three stretching sessions yesterday, my left calf was still tight (and my quads still tired) after Sunday's HM effort. Still, it was bett…
  • Re: March 2017 Running Challenge

    So, just found out that as well as it going extremely well, my HM effort yesterday has helped contribute to me winning a prize! (Technically though I had already run the required di…
  • Re: March 2017 Running Challenge

    @HonuNui - As much as I loved my first race experience I must admit I am a bit jealous about the drummers! Congrats on a fab race. @_nikkiwolf_ When I first looked at results it seemed that all the t…
  • Re: March 2017 Running Challenge

    Thanks all for your messages, and your support the last few months which has instrumental in me getting this far. Anyway, official times are now out and mine is 1:51:00. I'm literally in shock at the…