dkabambe Member

  • Re: March 2017 Running Challenge

    After last weeks fall I took a few days out, and the leg got better every day. I was tempted to try it out last night since it was the first light evening following UK clock change, but decided the e…
  • Re: March 2017 Running Challenge

    After yesterday's fall, my right leg stiffened up more and more as the day went on. Late afternoon onwards I caved and took some ibuprofen/aspirin - hoping to minimise inflammation, but pain relief e…
  • Re: March 2017 Running Challenge

    Intervals today as 10min hard; 2.5min recovery x 4. I wasn't sure my legs were gong to be up to it, and couldn't decide between braving the wind this morning or the rain this evening. Decided to go o…
  • Re: March 2017 Running Challenge

    Today's assignment was 45 minutes easy. Even after a bath and three stretching sessions yesterday, my left calf was still tight (and my quads still tired) after Sunday's HM effort. Still, it was bett…
  • Re: March 2017 Running Challenge

    Yes, fortunately got it sorted last night and I came in at 1:51:00 which totally shocked me. I had forgotten that as well as forgetting to stop it straight away I had started my phone well before the…