dkabambe Member

  • Re: May 2017 Running Challenge

    Missed my 200km target 3 months in a row now, so going to downgrade to 160km for May - partly as I have lots of social occasions (including my birthday) coming up.
  • Re: April 2017 Running Challenge

    Went out intending to do about 10k at MP, but at about 6k where I intended to turn back I felt quite good (partly as had tailwind for first part of run) so decided to extend my route out a bit and ai…
  • Re: April 2017 Running Challenge

    For a variety of reasons ending up in a illness/low mood/no exercise vicious circle today was my first run in 10 days, and haven't been checking in here either. Afraid I'm not even going to try to ca…
  • Re: April 2017 Running Challenge

    @garygse - That's an amazing PR smash!! Well done! To everyone running Boston (or any other race) have a fab time! Talk here of Boston plus seeing my mates in the pub this afternoon after a decent ru…
  • Re: April 2017 Running Challenge

    @girlinahat - May not be hardcore enough for you but this is the one I got talked into this afternoon if you fancy joining: EDIT: p.s. I'd still love to do London…