April 2017 Running Challenge



  • tdbernrd
    tdbernrd Posts: 510 Member

  • dkabambe
    dkabambe Posts: 544 Member
    edited April 2017
    @girlinahat - May not be hardcore enough for you but this is the one I got talked into this afternoon if you fancy joining: http://www.beachyheadmarathon.co.uk/

    EDIT: p.s. I'd still love to do London next year. Not for running reasons but for social reasons - think it's just be an amazing experience to run with those sorts of crowds/support - that's also why I want to do a marathon before then so that I know (all being well) that I can finish so when it comes to London I can just relax and soak up the atmosphere.
  • Freck135
    Freck135 Posts: 50 Member
    Goal - 40 miles
    4/3 - 2 miles (gotta start somewhere)
    4/5 - 2.5 miles
    4/7 - 5 miles
    4/8 - 1 mile then crosstrained
    4/10 - 2 miles and strength train
    4/14 - 5 miles
    4/15 - 2.5 miles
    Total Miles - 20 miles
  • RespectTheKitty
    RespectTheKitty Posts: 1,667 Member
    edited April 2017
    @MobyCarp @lporter229 wishing you all the best at Boston!

    Today I tried a little running (in 0.5 mile intervals) during my walk, and my hip only felt mildly stiff. It's been a couple hours now and it's still feeling only a little stiff. So, I am thinking I am over the hump. Tomorrow I'll rest the hip and try again on Monday.

    Happy Easter everyone!
  • garygse
    garygse Posts: 896 Member
    @dkabambe @_nikkiwolf_ Thanks guys! After several hours of wearing the RY400s and a brisk walk this afternoon for a few miles, I'm actually starting to feel surprisingly normal again.
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    2nd run after the Jasper HM, still struggling with tired legs.
    I got in a short 5km on Wednesday night as my Recovery Run post Jasper HM and it was a mental/physical struggle from the first step. Between travel day on Sunday, travel on Monday & Tuesday for work, Adult Swim Club Tuesday my legs were squirrelly but tired on Wednesday night. Thursday was Swim Club, Friday travelling for work.

    12 km on what is know as the Reverse Peavey Mart Loop - I did the steep hill (1km) on the outbound as a downhill section and the shallow hill on the return (about 2km long) so not as hard on the legs at the end of the run. 4km of it was on rough roads that were nasty Muddy - Sloppy - Slippery mess due to the recent snow/sleet that we got hit with. Had to do 2 Run-Walk Breaks but I got through it.

    04/01 0.0 km – 140. km – 0.0 km – YTD 300.05
    04/02 6.5 km – 135.5km - 6.5km – YTD 306.55 Shorty down Tim’s Hill + Peavey Loop
    04/05 5.2 km – 130.3km - 11.7km – YTD 311.75 Shorty along Riverbank Trails
    04/08 21.3 km – 109.0km - 33.0km – YTD 333.05 Jasper HM
    04/12 5.0 km – 104.0km - 38.0km – YTD 338.05 River Bank Recovery Run
    04/15 12.1 km – 89.9km - 50.1km – YTD 350.1 Reverse Peavey Loop


    Like many others wishing @MobyCarp and @lporter229 to have fun and enjoy the Boston experience.

    Like @MobyCarp said
    MobyCarp wrote: »
    The BQ means different things to different people.
    The perspectives on what the BQ means differ from one group of marathon runners to another.
    This can also be applied to Ultra's, HM and other distance events. I will never BQ unless I live to 100 and keep running, but I have a lot of fun being an average runner at HM's, Trail Runs and 10k course runs. Might have something to do with the local running crew and the Post Event Beer Olympics :D .

    @RespectTheKitty glad to hear that you are recovering and moving forward.
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    April goal: Stay healthy, get my runs in and increase my long run distance
    Nominal mileage goal: 191 miles

    4/1- 15.23
    4/2- 3.14
    4/3- 7.07
    4/4- 3.69
    4/5- 9
    3/6- REST
    4/7- 5.12
    4/8- 17.58
    4/9- 4.05
    4/10- 7.13
    4/11- 3.79
    4/12- 9
    4/13- REST
    4/14- 17
    4/15- 5.11

    Total: 106.92

    Today's notes: Ran yesterday's scheduled 5 mile run today. Well, this was an interesting one. After spending nearly 3 hours in cars today, visiting my sister and BIL, helping prep for Easter dinner and going for a walk, I finally set out for my run about 2000. I meant for this to be an easy run....Ha! Like that ever happens. So, here's how it looked, as broken down by mile splits:

    Mile 1: To fast, but I was feeling good and antsy from not getting my run in earlier in the day. 9:24 pace
    Mile 2: Hhmmm...is that lightening? I better go a little faster to avoid the storm. 9:00 exactly
    Mile 3: That rain is getting pretty hard, and the lightening, wile pretty, probably isn't good for my health. 8:34
    Mile 4: Is that HAIL I'm feeling? Better hurry this up! 8:13
    Mile 5: Well, the hail is done, but this rain still sucks, and that wind blows. 8:16

    Total: 5.11 miles in 44:19 for an average pace of 8:41. I officially beat my 5 mile PR, with a time of 43:25 at the 5 mile mark. I didn't set out to do that, but I did it nonetheless.

    Now to relax so I can get up and get tomorrow's 4 miles in.... though that may have to wait until after the 3.5 hour drive home.

    2017 Races
    6/16- William A Irvin 5k
    6/17- Grandma's Marathon (Full!)
    8/19- Rampage at the Ridge 5k OCR
    9/23- Ely Marathon (full)
    10/21 Wild Duluth 50k??????
    11/23- TBD 5k Turkey Trot
  • OSUbuckeye906
    OSUbuckeye906 Posts: 315 Member
    Had a busy week, so I'm just now catching up on comments

    @WhatMeRunning Sorry to hear about that awful incident. Glad you were there to help but that's awful that the poor dog and woman were hurt.
    @7lenny7 Great race report. Sounds like it was a great race!
    @MobyCarp and @lporter229 Wishing you two all the best on Monday! We're all rooting for you!
    @MNLittleFinn Way to go toughing out the wind on your long run. Unfortunately they can't all be great long runs, but that makes you appreciate the great ones even more. That being said, you still pulled out a great overall average pace.
    @amberblade06 Wow, 20 miles on the treadmill?? I ran a few long distance on the treadmill back in 2014 while training for my first marathon during a particularly bad winter, but I don't think any of them were quite that long...and I definitely don't think I could do that now.
    @RespectTheKitty Congrats on the NSV! Amazing!
    @WhatMeRunning I'm sorry but I got a good chuckle out of the fact that you're already registered for those races and didn't even remember it. I'd LOVE it if I forgot I had already paid for some races that I was planning on registering for!

    [quote="MNLittleFinn;39338284"]I just had an intervention with myself and came to a realization..... I now have accepted that I'll almost certainly never be fast enough to BQ, and I now realize that my relentless push toward ultra is a way for me to compensate for that...... I may always be slow, but if I can go slow for a LONG way, I can be OK with it........

    ........LOL, Saturday morning thoughts...... this is the problem with getting my LR done on Friday, and not getting a run in yet today.[/quote]
    This is my sentiment almost exactly. I say "almost" because I haven't gotten crazy enough to sign up for an ultra yet ;) I see an ultra on the horizon though...I'm considering 31 miles/50k for my 31st birthday September 2018. I'd like to focus on bettering my marathon PR for the moment, though I don't think I'll ever be fast to qualify for Boston (and if I do, it probably won't be for another 10-15 years when my time wouldn't need to be as fast). Boston is still on my bucket list though, so I'll probably bite the bullet and try to snag a charity spot at some point.

    @garygse Congratulations on a great race and killing your PR!

  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    @garygse and @katharmonic Wow, great races, both of you!

    In a minute I'll be off to find out how I can watch Boston from here in Australia. @lporter229 and @MobyCarp's bib numbers duly made note of.

    @runmipapo Welcome, and thanks for a great program!

    I did a 3 hour / 26 km run this morning.

    I loved how Runalyze showed my Marathon Shape jump from 70% to 78%. :smile: :smile: :smile:
  • Joanna2012B
    Joanna2012B Posts: 1,448 Member
