Danp Member

  • Re: At goal but still not happy....

    If I may presume to speak on behalf of men here and offer a word of advice/insight... A few extra inches here and a few less inches there isn't going to turn a guy off. In fact, I'd go as far as to s…
  • Re: 30 day shred

    Fair enough. If it's a 30 day prelude to something more permanent then that's great. I guess I'm just sceptical of anything that has an end date or a time limit like that. They come across to me as p…
  • Re: BMI (Body Mass Index)

    I used to write off BMI as unrealistic. I'd tell myself the healthy range for my height was ridiculously low and I'd be an emaciated walking skeleton if I tried to get down to that weight. I'd hear p…
  • Re: Dukan Diet??

    99% of the time, diets only need names if someone is trying to market them as a magic bullet or miracle fix, all designed to lighten your wallet rather than your waste line.
  • Re: Why is losing weight too fast a bad thing?

    I was using extreme examples to illustrate the point that different people have different caloric needs and that an arbitrary number, no matter how high it seems constitutes a 'safe for everyone' lev…