BMI (Body Mass Index)

I’d really like to hear people’s thoughts on BMI?

Worthy of considering in a weightloss plan? Something I shouldn’t get hung up on?

My BMI as a 43 year old Man 6ft tall and 17st 8lb is 33.4

What are you personal beliefs on BMI please?


  • puffbrat
    puffbrat Posts: 2,806 Member
    Here's a previous thread with some good discussion about BMI.
  • 2323FatBoy
    2323FatBoy Posts: 33 Member
    MikePTY wrote: »
    BMI is meant to be a general guide, not an exact 100% correct personal assessment of someone's level of obesity. But overall, with the exception of certain very muscular people, it is pretty accurate as a general assessment.

    At 6 feet and 246 pounds, you are likely considered obese by any traditional method. This is not meant to be a value judgement, as the word "obese" has taken on a very loaded social context. But from a medical standpoint, it is likely accurate. I started at 5'11", 235 which was a 32.8 BMI. So very similar to you. When I started I didn't consider myself "obese" but looking back on it now (40 pounds down and still about 15 pounds outside of normal BMI), I certainly was.

    I think the reason why people tend to question BMI is because they don't like what it tells them about their weight. Nobody likes to hear that they are obese. But more often than not, the BMI is right on that.
    MikePTY wrote: »
    BMI is meant to be a general guide, not an exact 100% correct personal assessment of someone's level of obesity. But overall, with the exception of certain very muscular people, it is pretty accurate as a general assessment.

    At 6 feet and 246 pounds, you are likely considered obese by any traditional method. This is not meant to be a value judgement, as the word "obese" has taken on a very loaded social context. But from a medical standpoint, it is likely accurate. I started at 5'11", 235 which was a 32.8 BMI. So very similar to you. When I started I didn't consider myself "obese" but looking back on it now (40 pounds down and still about 15 pounds outside of normal BMI), I certainly was.

    I think the reason why people tend to question BMI is because they don't like what it tells them about their weight. Nobody likes to hear that they are obese. But more often than not, the BMI is right on that.
    MikePTY wrote: »
    BMI is meant to be a general guide, not an exact 100% correct personal assessment of someone's level of obesity. But overall, with the exception of certain very muscular people, it is pretty accurate as a general assessment.

    At 6 feet and 246 pounds, you are likely considered obese by any traditional method. This is not meant to be a value judgement, as the word "obese" has taken on a very loaded social context. But from a medical standpoint, it is likely accurate. I started at 5'11", 235 which was a 32.8 BMI. So very similar to you. When I started I didn't consider myself "obese" but looking back on it now (40 pounds down and still about 15 pounds outside of normal BMI), I certainly was.

    I think the reason why people tend to question BMI is because they don't like what it tells them about their weight. Nobody likes to hear that they are obese. But more often than not, the BMI is right on that.

    Great advice. Thank you very much indeed
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    2323FatBoy wrote: »
    I’d really like to hear people’s thoughts on BMI?

    Worthy of considering in a weightloss plan? Something I shouldn’t get hung up on?

    My BMI as a 43 year old Man 6ft tall and 17st 8lb is 33.4

    What are you personal beliefs on BMI please?

    BMI can certainly be a weight loss target. So you could aim for the weight that gives you a BMI of 24, and reevaluate once you get there.
  • sarko15
    sarko15 Posts: 330 Member
    apullum wrote: »
    Your current BMI is defined as obese. That’s a fact, not an opinion.

    Many people claim that BMI does not describe their bodies or health risks accurately, but BMI is a decent metric for the vast majority of the population, unless one is perhaps a highly trained bodybuilder or similar.

    Your own personal health risks are best discussed with your doctor.

    BMI does have a significant racial bias, so it's not just bodybuilders. For a good chunk of people who aren't white, the BMI is not an accurate depiction of health. I don't know anything about the OP, but I think that is an important piece of information to consider for anyone on these forums.

    The BMI was not created by a scientist, so it's important not to hold it as science. I agree, discussing with a doctor is more important -- but I just wanted to jump in because it's important to not erase ethnic and racial backgrounds in this discussion and making a generalization based on a mathematical equation that takes into account white people only.

    To the OP, I would focus on body fat %, rather than BMI.
  • sarko15
    sarko15 Posts: 330 Member
    MikePTY wrote: »
    sarko15 wrote: »
    apullum wrote: »
    Your current BMI is defined as obese. That’s a fact, not an opinion.

    Many people claim that BMI does not describe their bodies or health risks accurately, but BMI is a decent metric for the vast majority of the population, unless one is perhaps a highly trained bodybuilder or similar.

    Your own personal health risks are best discussed with your doctor.

    BMI does have a significant racial bias, so it's not just bodybuilders. For a good chunk of people who aren't white, the BMI is not an accurate depiction of health. I don't know anything about the OP, but I think that is an important piece of information to consider for anyone on these forums.

    The BMI was not created by a scientist, so it's important not to hold it as science. I agree, discussing with a doctor is more important -- but I just wanted to jump in because it's important to not erase ethnic and racial backgrounds in this discussion and making a generalization based on a mathematical equation that takes into account white people only.

    To the OP, I would focus on body fat %, rather than BMI.

    Care to elaborate? As far as I know, the issue with BMI and race is that non-white people of a normal BMI are more likely to be at risk for health issues than white people. So the bias goes in the opposite direction than what you imply. I don't know of any research that says that overweight/obese non-white people are better off than white people of a similar BMI, so if you have, please share.

    I don't claim to be a scientist either, so there might be something I'm missing, but my understanding is that while you are correct that non-white people of a "normal" BMI are more likely to be at risk for health issues than white people, it calls into question the accuracy of what "normal" looks like and centers the concept of normal = healthy around the experiences of white individuals. It's a problematic scale for a lot of reasons, but especially if we are using the BMI scale as an indicator of health because it's just simply not accurate for all kinds of people.

    Say one's BMI comes up as obese -- what does that mean, beyond a descriptor? What are the implications? And if we're saying the implication of an obese BMI is poorer health, that's not always entirely true. Same with the implications of a normal BMI -- what are the implications? Health? Not necessarily. It's a one size fits all tool that doesn't really take into account a lot of factors, including body comp and genetics.

    Again, not a scientist, just my interpretation of what I've read. I just think it's interesting we have these scales of descriptors that don't really mean much when it comes to reflecting true health and vitality but we treat them as gospel.
  • RealWorldStrengthLLC
    RealWorldStrengthLLC Posts: 552 Member
    edited October 2019
    BMI should only be used as a reference point, and not the end all, be all. I suggest using a tape measure and some of the US Military bf calculators (army or navy) where you punch in your waist measurement and your neck measurements. While still flawed, they are better than BMI. I'll explain with my stats to paint a picture.

    For instance- I'm 6'1, 230lbs. BMI puts me at obesity class 1 until I'm sub 227. Meanwhile, most calculators based on measurements (17.5 neck, 40 waist) put me between 21-23% bf, which is classed as "average". That said, I am still visibly overweight (average is a load of *kitten*, you're either fit or you're not). I'm muscular, but overweight still, carrying a bit of subcutaneous fat on my legs and torso. I would hit the top of "fitness" range around 210-215. (17%) bf...which is still smack dead in the middle of "overweight" according to BMI.

    Meanwhile, BMI would put my absolute peak weight at 189. At 189, I would be pretty lean according to most FFM calculators (as well as personal experience - experience that is 9 years ago and long before I discovered deadlifts, learned to squat and clean and press, etc.) I would venture to guess these days that 190 would be as lean as I'd ever want to get and would be unsustainable for long term without being ridiculously disciplined on diet and training. And that is the max I should weigh according to BMI.

    I plan to stick between a comfortable 200-230, which is all in the overweight/obese range on BMI yet BF calculators put at fit/average, respectively.

    Hope this helps.

  • wiigelec
    wiigelec Posts: 503 Member
    Theoldguy1 wrote: »
    Sure you can be obese and not have these issues...
    I believe the point is that one can have a BMI that identifies them as obese without actually being “obese”...

  • 2323FatBoy
    2323FatBoy Posts: 33 Member
    BMI: Boy it Makes me feel Inadequate.

    Even though I work out regularly, have a low resting HR, reasonable BP, excellent VO2max, I still have a BMI of 25.5 (overweight). I try not to put too much weight on it. (That's at least the 3rd time I've posted that joke!)
    BMI: Boy it Makes me feel Inadequate.

    Even though I work out regularly, have a low resting HR, reasonable BP, excellent VO2max, I still have a BMI of 25.5 (overweight). I try not to put too much weight on it. (That's at least the 3rd time I've posted that joke!)

    Love that! Thanks
  • sgt1372
    sgt1372 Posts: 3,997 Member
    The BMI Index was developed as an indicator of one's risk for certain health problems associated w/obesity but it was not developed as an indicator of obesity per se.

    For a precise determinationv of your degree of obesity or lack of it, measurement of your BF% by means of DEXA scanning and/or hydrostatic testingwould be the way to go.