oocdc2 Member

  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    It's also a question of density. I would think that so many people crowded together in clumps, even six feet from each other, negates the distancing. I'm glad your county is faring so well--it sounds…
  • Re: New products that caught your eyes recently?

    I wasn't going to say anything, but I was wondering why anyone would want to get their hands on them...
  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    Not getting political about it, just a general observation. In all walks of life, there are people who have the experience and executive functioning skills to respond well and appropriately in a cris…
  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    As a Pennsylvanian, I can only say that folks tend to think a bit differently north and west of Harrisburg and is not representative of all of us.
  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    This, and to have available self-medication for the rest of us, unfortunately. May I just rant: I work in NJ, and they just closed the libraries!? JFC, PA (or, at least Bucks County and Philly) have …