Re: Snack suggestions needed for more iron/protein
Sauted spinach, gram for gram, has more iron than red meat and seafood, and way less calories. Hard to eat 100g of fresh spinach, unless you like big salads! Also helps all the other vitamin and mine…2 -
Re: How much do you/should you spend on food (US)?
Our intention is not to sell once we buy, I'm 31, so a home will be the place I raise my kids, a good 10 to 15 years. Equity adds to net worth, so by buying earlier, you get have a higher net worth w…2 -
Re: Live Below The Line
So I guess the way we see it, it is a blessing to have more than what is needed and are entirely greatful to have the life we do. Unfortunately with more anything comes more responsibility, sometimes…5 -
Re: Meta analysis- low carb ain't all it's cracked up to be!
https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0,5&as_vis=1&qsp=8&q=leptin+and+ghrelin+"high+carbohydrate+diet"#d=gs_qabs&p=&u=%23p%3DRGboW2RZ3GcJ Kinda cool, altho…1 -
Re: How much do you/should you spend on food (US)?
How much we spend? Family of two adults, waaayyy to much money!!. I could say a percentage, but that doesn't display the magnitude of the damage as we live in California where food is relatively inex…3