gemwolf110 Member

Had an awesome day yesterday with a hike and backpacking course, Zumba class this morning. Now to clean up and finish my class assignments for the week.
  • Re: Serial Starters

    Hi! I’m feeling alright. Back at dentist for check up. Have some bone or tooth spurs/splinters they may need to clean up. Will probably eat soft foods for another week or so. Already lost 4 lbs. Can’…
  • Re: Serial Starters

    Good Afternoon! Tooth extraction went good, had a bit excess bleeding and was lightheaded for a couple of days. It’s till a bit sore and achy and when cleaning last night before bed looks like either…
  • Re: Serial Starters

    Sara - hope everything with the doc goes alright! Peach crisp sounds yummy and perfect for summer. Might find a recipe and try it. Do you have a favorite recipe? Lana - hope the sun breaks through. W…
  • Re: Serial Starters

    Almost done with this PowerPoint presentation for my class. Talk about having writers block all week.