gemwolf110 Member

Had an awesome day yesterday with a hike and backpacking course, Zumba class this morning. Now to clean up and finish my class assignments for the week.
  • Re: Serial Starters

  • Re: Serial Starters

    They haven’t always been sensitive and didnt have a cavity until I turned 25 then usually had a cavity or two every year or every other year since then. I do have acid reflux so dentist is thinking I…
  • Re: Serial Starters

    The temp crown isn’t very cemented in like the permanent one will be so no crunchy, sticky foods so it doesn’t pop off. I would have to go back to the dentist Asap if that happened as the inner tooth…
  • Re: Serial Starters

    Yeah it’s all online program no real human interaction unfortunately. We do have a live webinar every other week and a discussion board. If my schedule allowed it I would have gone in person. Well 2 …
  • Re: Serial Starters

    Good Morning! Sunday I had planned to go to church when the Bishop was visiting and coming home to clean, etc. I made it to church but not the cleaning. Took my grandma out to lunch and grocery shopp…