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Serial Starters



  • mkculs13
    mkculs13 Posts: 655 Member
    Lana, I didn't realize. Congrats and best of luck over the next 3 years.

    I'm having teeth and lung issues on top of knee and boob, haha. I need a crown, an extraction, and a couple of teeth replaced. My lungs still have inflammation from my allergies. No wonder running has been so effing hard!

    I was so excited to turn 65. And now I'm falling apart! :)

    I feel fine, though, and am so eager for the school year to just end. My classes are 90% seniors, and it's senior week, so no one is in class--lots of activities for them. I don't mind, but why wasn't that scheduled well ahead of time so I could plan better? Our new admin has dropped the ball on timely communication. No exam schedule yet. And seniors are irritated b/c their senior week plans didn't get communicated clearly either, and each day is so confusing. They had a cookout scheduled for 10 one morning, and finally got fed about 1:30. It was pouring rain and they would report to the site, only to be told to go back to class. NO announcement was made that they should keep reporting to class until called to the cook out. They were pissed. I don't blame them. I helped with the cookout b/c it was during my planning time and I know so many of them. That part was fun.

    Anyway, I've regained all but 2 lbs of the weight I've lost this year, but oh well. Time to get back on the logging pony.

    TTFN. Best to all.
  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,470 Member
    gemwolf110 wrote: »
    Lair- Welcome! My mom went through breast cancer surgery and treatments last year. My stepdad is currently going through bladder cancer surgery and all. The first doc didn’t get everything so they are going somewhere else for further treatment.
    Lana- how did colonoscopy go?
    Maureen hope the biopsy’s come out benign.
    Sara- good luck at doc.

    Idk who is my least favorite….gyno or dentist. Right now dentist - having 3 of 4 cavities filled tomorrow, one may be a root canal/crown the filling fell out last week and it is catching my tongue. Have to have a consult next month with oral surgeon for a molar that needs to be extracted.

    Other than that class started this week, and I’ve tracked 8 days straight.

    Have a good night everyone!


    And my phone autocorrected Laura to Lair…sorry
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,950 Member
    *** May 16 ***

    Good morning all~~

    I survived the procedure yesterday. They did find one polyp; biopsy results expected next week.

    Laura - Oy! Triple Negative!
    Bilateral mastectomy is good choice.
    [I was in error calling it DMX, which is abbreviation for digital multiplex communication systems. *slap forehead*]

    Maureen - that was some debacle with the cookout! Goodness.

    Sara - enjoy getting lost in your mystery book~

    Missy - You are doing well with your tracking! What is the class that just started?

    *waving at Henri for more very black coffee 🌴*


    265.6 today
  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,470 Member
    Lana- hoping it’s just a benign polyp. The class I’m taking is Organizational Strategy in a global environment. Mouthful…lol
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,950 Member
    edited May 16
    Missy - that class sounds interesting, thick, and chewy, and I'm not being cute or funny.

    I hope that your professor is engaging and that you can really dig into this.

    Wait, then I realize that I have to ask: nowadays, are there actual in-person professors teaching this, or does the student read a metric-ton of material and then respond to queries, fulfill output requirement, and go through testing without in-person interaction? Could be.

  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,470 Member
    Missy - that class sounds interesting, thick, and chewy, and I'm not being cute or funny.

    I hope that your professor is engaging and that you can really dig into this.

    Wait, then I realize that I have to ask: nowadays, are there actual in-person professors teaching this, or does the student read a metric-ton of material and then respond to queries, fulfill output requirement, and go through testing without in-person interaction? Could be.


    Yeah it’s all online program no real human interaction unfortunately. We do have a live webinar every other week and a discussion board. If my schedule allowed it I would have gone in person.

    Well 2 cavities filled, one crown for the other cavity, 2 more cavities to be filled later and need a tooth pulled out as I guess it’s dead. Going to be a fun summer!
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,375 Member
    Good evening,

    Almost Friday -mentally drooling at the thought. Might tell you how the week went.

    Dr appointment in a week. Phone tag sucks and people with bad attitude "whining" does not help (in the same company I work for - also not good). Seems I get points on my company wellness for doing this so that helps me get closer to my last Amazon binge.

    Will spend a little time and hopefully little $$ looking for clothing this weekend.

    Teeth, biopsies, doggies all in my thoughts. I hope all works out. I have no clue what Missy is taking for a class, but I hope it is interesting and motivating.

    Wishing all a good night. Stay safe and sane out there.
  • mkculs13
    mkculs13 Posts: 655 Member
    Lana, best of luck. This waiting is no fun.

    We are all falling apart, haha. If only that would help us lose the excess weight.

    I had a very good jog yesterday--trail, no paved surface at all Slow as heck and sore today, but it was so nice to be able to do it. I may try every 3rd of 4th day since this went so well. Doubt I can handle every-other day. It helps with my focus and weight loss, although it's not about the calories burned (not all that many more than walking). Skye got to go and she enjoyed it too.

    So today seniors were to have a "movie morning," from 8 to 10. It got canceled but no one told anyone. So I have all my seniors (well, half; prom is tonight and some are taking off to get dolled up). I had nothing planned b/c I was told I wouldn't have class. Fortunately, I have a lot of fall-back games they can play to review for upcoming tests and exams.

    Warm and humid and I'm loving it.

    Have a great day, all.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,950 Member

    Hey there y'all....

    I'm just waving the flag....


    267.2 today
  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,470 Member
    Happy Friday!

    Day 10 of tracking. Eating with this temporary crown is interesting. I should lose a few pounds in these two weeks. Hopefully crown comes in sooner. Class seems like it is going to be interesting. Maybe a bit intimidating but will take each week at a time.

    Have a nice night everyone!

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,950 Member
    *** May 18 ***

    Good morning all~~

    Missy - you are on a roll with the 10 days! Is the temporary crown not fitting right with the opposite tooth? I'm hoping that in a week or two you settle in with the new class and then do very well. 👍🏻

    Sara - wishing you success with the clothes shopping 🛍️ 😁

    Maureen - take it easy this weekend - don't overdo the exercise 🌼

    Laura - what are your weekend plans?

    Well, it's time for me to jump into the shower......



    266.2 today
  • mkculs13
    mkculs13 Posts: 655 Member
    Hey all.

    I slept in until 5:30. That’s was nice. Then my sons, the dogs and I went to our “secret forest” to walk and run by (dogs, younger son did the running.) my eldest and I got a lawn mower and weed whacked. He is doing the yard and I’m starting on the garage.

    I’m a bit irritable bc I can’t plan anything for my summer until after I get the biopsy and the results, at least another 10 days. I have a small window to travel from July 2 to July 16 if the results are negative. Of course I want to plan something since I’ll have knee surgery on the 17th if all goes well.

    Slowly getting back on the logging horse. April was a bust but I’m didn’t really regain quite as much as I thought. May aim for 1.5 lbs a week for as much of the summer as I can, despite—and bc of—knee surgery if I’m lucky enough to get it.

    What is everyone up to this weekend?
  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,470 Member
    *** May 18 ***

    Good morning all~~

    Missy - you are on a roll with the 10 days! Is the temporary crown not fitting right with the opposite tooth? I'm hoping that in a week or two you settle in with the new class and then do very well. 👍🏻

    Sara - wishing you success with the clothes shopping 🛍️ 😁

    Maureen - take it easy this weekend - don't overdo the exercise 🌼

    Laura - what are your weekend plans?

    Well, it's time for me to jump into the shower......



    266.2 today

    The temp crown isn’t very cemented in like the permanent one will be so no crunchy, sticky foods so it doesn’t pop off. I would have to go back to the dentist Asap if that happened as the inner tooth is exposed. Praying that everything goes well with the permanent crown.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,950 Member
    *** May 20 ***

    Good morning all~~

    Wishing everyone a decent Monday~

    *🌴 looking around for the Cabana Boy with the coffee... ⛱️🌴*

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,950 Member
    *** May 21 ***

    Hello All~~

    Today would be a good day for a walk, right?


  • mkculs13
    mkculs13 Posts: 655 Member
    Hi, all. Missy, I’m getting a crown—was supposed to start yesterday but I haven’t been using my Rx toothpaste and my teeth are all too cold sensitive for the dentist to do what she needs without making me uncomfortable. I need to get that Rx filled.

    What’s going on for everyone else?

    Lana, when do you expect to hear about the polyp? My biopsy is tomorrow-I took off for the day. And they said 3-5 business days for the results. At least the waiting will be over.

    Had a funny wog (walk/jog) today—couldn’t maintain the jogging pace for more than short distances, but it didn’t hurt at all. Will see if I feel the usual after effects tomorrow. Jogging on an unpaved trail makes such a difference. It was pretty warm and I think that slowed me. IDC as long as I can get in some jogging.

    My Apple Watch says I burned 800 exercise cals today but MFP says it was just over 200. Haha. But I haven’t eaten much today so I’m going to get some Halo Ice cream and eat the whole pint. I have eaten about 900 and with the exercise, I still have over 800 left by MFP’s count.

    Ok, ttfn.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,950 Member

    Hi Maureen 👋🏻

    Today I got a letter telling me that the polyp was not pre-cancerous, so they said next colonoscopy in 10 years. I'm somewhat disappointed; I assumed the next one would be in 5 years. I see my primary care doctor soon, so I'll ask her why.

    Good luck with your biopsy tomorrow. You are smart to take the day off. I hope you get the results soon, but it is a holiday weekend, so news may be delayed.

    I've been sorting through piles of paper from 8 years ago. I'm trying to mentally stay above the bad memories.

    It's time for a snack.


    scale numbers too awful to post
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,375 Member
    Good evening,

    Boss gone until Tuesday. Nothing serious will happen while she is gone, why she thinks so - is beyond me.

    Shopping with a flexible mind and a budget worked. 8 tops 1 pair of pants for $100. I am doing overtime on Saturday to put that $$ back into my savings.

    Missy, temps are never as good as the final crown. In my experience I have only had one bad crown. You will be able to tell the difference. Yes nothing crunchy sticky or hard texture. All the fun food, I know.

    Lana - you are the only person I know who wants to have colonoscopies more often. I am glad your test results came back positively.

    Baked sweet potato and parmesean cheese for lunch I will go put out some dried cranberries to go with it. Trying to use what I have in house this week. Makes for some strange meals. Oh well.

    Wishing all a good night. Stay safe and sane out there,
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,950 Member
    *** May 22 ***

    Good morning everybody 😁

    Sara - So glad for you that The Dragon is gone until Tuesday. She certainly is bedeviled by some mental problems, making work life hard for everyone around her.
    🎉 Hurray for you with the excellent prices on the wardrobe refreshments!!!

    Yes, I do want another colonoscopy sooner than 10 years. I'm fearful of cancer, for good reason. Plus, I lost a dear work colleague (under age of 40!) to colon cancer.
    For me, if a colon cancer were to begin next year, they wouldn't find it for 9 years or until I had bleeding and it was advance? Gah.

    Also, so much of our medical care is dictated by insurance companies.
    I recently heard a report of two studies that found that there is a difference in findings of polyps between procedures using an anesthesiologist + propofol and findings when there is no anesthesiologist with the doctor doing the colonoscopy procedure doing some other form of sedation.
    More polyps are found/removed with the propofol-anesthesiologist on board.
    Insurance companies don't like paying the bigger bucks for the practices using the anesthesiologist.

    Sorry this is so long.


    267.6 today
  • mkculs13
    mkculs13 Posts: 655 Member
    Hi, all. Biopsy was pretty easy. Some discomfort with the anesthetic--maybe a 3 on a pain scale. So NBD. Then the procedure itself was painless. Pressure but no discomfort. And when the doc apologized b/c the clipping sound (when they snip the tissue) sounded like "a rat trap," I burst into laughter. They were so surprised. I thought it was hilarious. I've taken Tylenol and have instructions to use ice for 30 min on/off for the next 6 hours. Doc thought the 2 smaller masses were just cysts b/c they seemed to disappear when he inserted the needle, so he "kind of clipped tissue in the area." The 3rd mass he wasn't sure but "hoped" it was benign. So I will not worry until results are definitive--if I need to worry then.

    Lana, I write long monologues all the time, so please don't apologize for lengthier posts. I agree that our health care is very compromised by insurance companies, and I agree you are right to be concerned about a 10 year wait. How nice to get good news, though; I'm sure the official report is comforting. I still feel I can't make any plans for sure until I know one way or another and that's just annoying. I'm not anxious, but I worked on my anxiety for many years and I expect a lot of folks would have more anxiety. Plus, really good medication I've been on for 25 years makes a huge difference.

    So--can't exercise for 48 hours, which is also annoying. But I can probably walk without irritating my boob. So at least I can do that. Just had taco bell for lunch/dinner and I'm very full. I needed something spicy and with a known calorie count. Won't go over maintenance but might erase most of my deficit--it's the kind of day for that.

    Sara, how nice to have a monster-free "vacation" at work. I've left a couple of jobs b/c of people like she seems to be. I admire your ability to tolerate it. That was back when my anxiety was not under control.

    Have a great day, folks.