jo_nz Member

  • Re: Which weight loss method is the most successful?

    I think that noom figure is possibly a little misleading. I did the noom free trial, but I hated it. I found the "coaching" condescending and annoying so cancelled before the trial was over…
  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    Yes, and I also think there has been a big shift to actually staying home when sick. Quite a culture change from just toughing it out. I guess Coldral will have to come up with a new jingle... 😉
  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    Interesting! Ours our quite distinct too, but the terms are other way around! Those returning from overseas go into "managed isolation" facilities until 2 weeks have passed, and two negativ…
  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    It's been a while since I last posted, so here's a little update from New Zealand... We as a country had been doing great...101 days with no community transmission! All the active cases were from new…
  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    It is strange, I agree. Really I wonder if it's more that in order for people to return to work, kids need to go back to school. Or is that just me being cynical?? My kids'schools have various change…