GaryRuns Member

  • Re: Meal prep ideas

    No dietary restrictions? Meatballs are so flexible. Right now we're doing the Spicy Thai turkey meatballs, the recipe for which I saw here on MFP…
  • Re: Help :(

    If you don't have health problems then the only solution is to eat more calories. Maybe this will help:
  • Re: Which lifting program is the best for you?

    Nuckols is the guy that owns and puts out the MASS newsletter, Monthly Applications in Strength Sport, as well as the associated website, and a podcast by the same name…
  • Re: Increasing Calories

    You'll gain weight if you eat more calories than you burn. MFP, and lots of other web sites, can estimate what your daily calorie burn is, based on age, weight, height, estimated activity level, etc.…
  • Re: Never Lifted Before sooooo

    You have to be careful with this though. So many idiots on YouTube, and IG, that don't know the first thing about form, lifting, nutrition, etc., despite claiming that they're experts and having huge…