GaryRuns Member

  • Re: Body fat%

    The only thing that matters for fat loss is being in a calorie deficit, everything else is just a strategy to maintain that, for example, foods or eating strategies that may help with satiety. Just m…
  • Re: Is my progress so far reasonable?

    It definitely looks like you've gained some muscle mass. Good job! It's relatively easy when you first start resistance training to just pick up some weights and start doing things you see on youtube…
  • Re: Push ,pull, leg days

    I do Pull-Push-Legs the first three days of the week, rest on Thursday, then do Upper-Lower for Friday Saturday, rest again on Sunday.
  • Re: Lean Bulking BMR or TDEE??

    Most of the science-based folks I've listened to lately are starting to say that they think you absolutely can gain lean mass (aka muscle) while in a calorie deficit, especially if you're at 15%+ bod…
  • Re: Macros for booty gains??

    This is basically what people refer to as a recomp. It is possible, especially if you're not at a very low body fat percentage. @sardelsa was our resident expert for doing exactly what you want to do…