GaryRuns Member

  • Re: Diet plan for gaining weight

    Vegetarian trying to gain weight? Nuts, nut butters and oils are your friends! Shoot, they're friends to non-veggies as well. All that fat is just loaded with calories, easy to eat, and delicious, if…
  • Re: Bulking on the go HELP!!!

    There's a really detailed thread on "hard gainers", which is what you're describing yourself as. Take a look at it:…
  • Re: Time to Gain! Anyone running a bulk?

    If I were still into running I'd do the race. You can always adjust your bulk/cut cycle timing but you can't adjust a race day. If you do decide to run the race then the best advice I can offer is to…
  • Re: Clean bulking

    You can try that, but it's very difficult, if not outright impossible, to have that much control over your calories. You can have 3 extra grams of fat in that chicken thigh, which you probably couldn…
  • Re: Time to Gain! Anyone running a bulk?

    Ever watch a dog with a toy in it's mouth, where it rapidly shakes the toy side to side? That's what I felt like after lifting Friday. 😂 Definitely time for a deload week. How does everyone else delo…