emilysusana Member

  • Re: Weight gain from reintroducing alcohol?

    Honestly I gave myself permission to slow my rate of loss to .5 lbs a week quite some time ago, but I didn’t adjust my calorie goal, I just gave myself permission to go over. But in that same stretch…
  • Re: I really screwed up

    P.S. another school of thought is that pizza is a “trigger food” for you and that one serving will inevitably lead to binging. Wine could be, too. A lot of people successfully eliminate a few foods l…
  • Re: your mistakes made

    My mistake was getting complacent during maintenance. It turns out for me, that when I don’t log and track, the old habits that made me overweight in the first place creep back in and soon enough, I’…
  • Re: Calories earned from steps

    I eat mine back most of the time. At first I was skeptical so I didn’t eat many of them back, but based on lots of data I now know that I should have been eating them back. You can start by eating so…
  • Re: Not getting credit for all my steps?

    Sometimes things get glitchy and don’t sync as often as they’re supposed to, when two apps are communicating. That might account for why not all the steps show up. This usually works itself out. The …