daklock Member

  • Re: Garden thread

    We have got the whole yard raked up and the winter debris was hauled away. Things are looking clean for a week or two but I see signs of weeds starting to spring up. The daffodils and irises are comi…
  • Re: Garden thread

    Felt so good to get out into the garden and start doing some spring clean-up. It was 16 degrees outside and sunny. It also helped me get 10,000 steps in.
  • Re: 100 pound loss!

    Congratulations on your weight loss. I noticed how much longer your neck looks. I was told today (while getting a haircut) that I had a short neck. I hope it appears longer when I lose all this weigh…
  • Re: What nobody tells you about losing weight

    Dislocating your joints can be a real thing. My husband dislocated his shoulder one night while sleeping. Physio therapy aggravated the situation even more. They didn't really believe it was dislocat…
  • Re: Women 200lb+, let's take March by storm!!!

    SW 260 CW 240 - small loss of 1.4 pounds - 238.6 pounds Minigoal 230 FGW 160 Goal: Log all my meals - done Goal: Increase exercise by walking outside around block 3X/week - got out twice last week Go…