everher Member

  • Re: Valentine's day

    We went out to an expensive restaurant last night and got all dressed up. He bought me a few boxes of chocolate (he said he couldn't decide on which one to get :D ) and some books I've been wanting. …
  • Re: i'm at a lost for words. i need serious help

    I started off with just a goal of losing a pound a week. I've lost weight before more aggressively, but I knew going into this I couldn't cut myself back so much even though I was obese. And sometime…
  • Re: Lose 5lbs + in February

    Starting weight: 211 lbs (10/23) Current weight: 187.4 lbs (1/29) February goal: 182.4 lbs Ultimate goal: 150 lbs (healthy BMI) 2/5: 187.6 lbs 2/12: 185.4 lbs 2/19: 2/26: Total loss for February (so …
  • Re: What's Your Most Recent NSV

    I went shopping today for something to wear for a fancy night out. I checked all my regular shops, but couldn't find anything I liked. There are a few stores that I never go into because I feel like …
  • Re: Dating and dieting

    One of the most important things about weight loss is figuring out how you will maintain the loss going forward. I've never been the type to go on 3-4 dates a week, but I used to go out with my girlf…