dfwesq Member

  • Re: Are Calories all equal?

    That's true as far as it goes, but kilograms don't exist except as a characteristic of other things, and similarly calories are a characteristic of foods. They never exist in isolation. To some reade…
  • Re: Help me log this meal

    The kind of restaurant that serves southern fried chicken and mashed potatoes with gravy very likely adds butter or some other fat, like oil or bacon fat, to the green beans. The texture and appearan…
  • Re: Does the Water in Coffee or Tea Count?

    It might help to look at it this way. If you drank some water and also drank an espresso, then obviously you drank some water and that counts. Would that change if you put them both in the same cup (…
  • Re: Artificial Sweeteners?

    There's a ton of wacky health advice out there, and it's hard to say what the motive for that is. Paranoia, maybe? The increase in the use of sugar and corn sweetener has also risen dramatically. And…
  • Re: The Urban Food Desert Myth

    They probably would. They would probably also choose 99 cents' worth of Kraft macaroni dinner over 50 cents' worth of dried beans. I think that is part of what makes this an intractable problem.