dfwesq Member

  • Re: Who watched "fat sick and nearly dead"?

    Eating a lot of vegetables is a great idea! I'm not sure that doing that through juicing is as good an idea though, unless you're also eating the fiber that most juicers separate out and most people …
  • Re: Who watched "fat sick and nearly dead"?

    I guess it depends on what is meant by "cure". It's something the medical community debates. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2768219/
  • Re: Sugar Addiction Myths

    With all the posts claiming there's no such thing as empty calorie foods, it's not surprising to me that people get the impression there's a substantial anti-nutrition contingent here.
  • Re: Sugar Addiction Myths

    I'm not defining this term in a new way or refining its definition. I'm pointing out the meaning it already has. It's not macros that are referred to as empty calories - it's foods. Typically foods l…
  • Re: Sugar Addiction Myths

    It disagrees with the "myths" but I'm not sure I'd say it debunks anything. It's just someone's opinion. The one about sugar not being just empty calories is just a facile semantic argument…