wmd1979 Member

  • Re: Importance of cardio when loosing fat

    Exactly, and this point keeps getting ignored. The "math" that was given is absolutely incorrect. Deficit of 1000+350 from exercise -350 extra calories still equals a deficit of 1000. Wheth…
  • Re: How do you pick your goal weight?

    I definitely agree that BMI may not be completely accurate for everyone. I am slightly into the overweight range right now, but its the weight that best suits me and I am in far better shape now than…
  • Re: Online dating

    I don't see why that should prevent a reply though. If I was talking to someone that I considered to be serious enough to not talk to someone else, I don't think I would still stay active on the app.…
  • Re: Unwanted advice at gym

    Even if she was wrong, and your form was fine, I think you come off as the bigger *kitten* in this scenario. Insulting her looks and talking about how built you are just makes you look like as big of…
  • Re: How do you pick your goal weight?

    I have heard so many people say this, and assuming your doctors recommendation is based on BMI, the vast majority of the time, it simply isn't true. There are very few outliers when it comes to BMI. …