33gail33 Member

  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    Well my husband has Covid and he is experiencing vertigo today, and my daughter also has it, and got dizzy and fell down the stairs this morning. No vomiting though. It's weird to me that I had high …
  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    Covid finally hit us, husband has it. Got our boosters on the 15th so hopefully remains mild. I am negative thus far. Daughter tested positive last night but no symptoms. I would say to disregard the…
  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    I think anyone who is unvaccinated at this point (in a western country anyway) is actively avoiding it and will not be convinced. Had my booster yesterday (dose 3). Nausea, headache, sore arm and fev…
  • Re: Food sucks

    I have trouble moderating, so I have to cut out the "wrong" foods completely. If I had a bag of chips in the house this past weekend I would have ate the whole thing, so I just have to cut …
  • Re: What amount of money is a “livable wage”?

    I don't think that anyone is asserting that a living wage is consistent in all areas? I don't even live in the US. Also not judging you - you are the one who seemed to be saying that you don't pay yo…