drmwc Member

  • Re: What Was Your Work Out Today?

    Climbing. I went to Vaux East, my first time there in a while. It was a bonkers good session. I got 3 v4s and a shed load of v3s. It was a long session, just under 3 hours. I was doing a v3 overhang …
  • Re: What Was Your Work Out Today?

    I came back from my diving trip yesterday. I got a puncture en route, which was a bit annoying given it's a 550 mile trip and I don't have a spare. The upside is that while waiting for the repair I g…
  • Re: What Was Your Work Out Today?

    I went climbing yesterday. I got to the gym late, so only had a 90 minute session. I was pretty bad, it was my worst attempt recently. Like djprooulx, I slept badly the night before which may have in…
  • Re: What Was Your Work Out Today?

    I tested negative on Friday. Hooray! On Saturday. I celebrated by going for a climb. I wasn't brilliant, but I wasn't terrible either. It was a slightly bonkers 2.45 hours session. I was broken after…
  • Re: What Was Your Work Out Today?

    COVID has not been too bad for me. My main symptom seems to have been sleeping deeply for 11 hours a day, which isn't one of the listed adverse impacts. I did a 12 mile walk yesterday, wearing a mask…