drmwc Member


  • Monday Climbing. Decent session; we did an exercise for about 90 minutes (4 minutes flat out AMRAP, 4 minutes rest). I was toast at the end of it. Tuesday Climbing. I stared well, but faded. I got around 7 miles' walk in getting to the gym. I felt destroyed on Wednesday. Maybe 7 days of flat out exercise with no recovery…
  • I wear my Crocs a lot. (A slightly too large pair works well for scuba diving, as my drysiot socks fit under to them). I wasn't paying attention on a recent morning, and ended up wearing them at work at the office. I was waiting for a friend in reception, which caused Security to accuse me of being a vagrant sheltering…
  • I have done loads of exercise recently, much of it unlogged until now. Tuesday Lifting: squat, bench; OHP, hangboarding and deadlift. Thursday Climbing. Good; I repeated a v5 and got a many week project, ( a tiny dyno which raised your left foot by about 6 inches, but goes to a balance position with no hand holds.) Friday…
  • I went caving over new year . I was introduced to Stilton with dates. It's a great combination; I thoroughly recommend it.
  • I went climbing yesterday. It was a cracking session. I got a V4 in my anti-style after about 39 attempts. I smeared with the left foot on the first move to keep myself away from the wall. Keeping pressure through the smear let me get the left hand to the second hold, which is a jug. I then moved quickly to match that hold…
  • I went climbing on Friday. Ir was decent, I got a v5. It was and odd start; an upside down chimney thing. You then get the right way up; shimmy up the chimney and cry at the difficulty of the distance to the last hold. (I did fancy foot nonssense which eventually got it in range via a balance,-y reach thing). The whole…
  • I went climbing. I was poor; gravity was high. I used to monitor my RHR fairly religiously. I'm lazy about it now; I tested it now due to the chat about it. It seemed to be 48, which is within my range from when I wore a Fitbit, albeit on the lower end of that. (I smashed every Fitbit I owned. So I now go for cheap Casio…
  • I spent the weekend diving in Dorset. On Saturday we got one dive in. We just did a harbour wreck. It was nice; maybe 2m visibility. 30 minutes dive; water a slightly bracing 8C. The air temperature was lower; I think around 5c most of the day. On Sunday, we got 10 folk on the rhib, with dive kit for 7. That meant we never…
  • 6 January Climbing, 2 hours. Decent session, I got an overhanging V4 which was my anti-style. I also got a pretty hard slab, which needed some delicate balance-y stuff. Today Climbing, only 1.5 hours as I got to the gym late. Fun. There was a new set, which is not yet graded. I spent most of my time on that. I sent one…
  • I've taken to making my own sourdough, so I make my own (non-dried) yeast. My current starter approach is to mix 100 grams of rye flour with 100 grams of apple juice, stirring daily until it doubles in volume (which takes 4-7 days). It's then just about ready to use: I keep it in the fridge, warm it up to room temperature…
  • I went climbing for 2.5 hours. I got obsessed with a jump. After 50 minutes, I finally got it. It was actually not that hard (maybe V3) but I am terrible at dynos. After 10 minutes, I realised it was feasible: I was getting both hands on the hold I was jumping to fairly reliably. But I was barn dooring off. I eventually…
  • 27 December Climbing. Decent, I got lots of v4s. My favourite was basically monkey bars; probably very soft for the grade, but fun. 29 December Caving. Digging our discovery cave. 30 December Hi ho, moar digging. Nearly got hypothermia , we surveyed the cave which required spending a long time under a waterfall. But all…
  • @DiscusTank5 Nice one! I went climbing yesterday. It was fun, I got a lot of v4s. My favourite wasn't yet graded; my guess it's a v3; but it was complex so may be a v4. It was slab. My little brother gave me beta. (Stand up with no hands. Reach over to the far left hand side for a hand hold. Reach it with both hands. Do a…
  • Thursday Climbing, 2.5 hours. Good fun, I got a couple of projects. The most fun one was thuggy v4 overhang, going from a cave to a less steep wall. The crux took me about 30 minutes to work out. I needed to heel hook the left foot, which let me get enough momentum for a big hand move. I cut loose with the foot…
  • Great news, Anne! Saturday Caving. We attempted to survey the cave discovery, and did a light spot of digging at the end. The surveying wasn't completely successful. Some readings gave a negative distance. I think my calibration of the device wasn't accurate enough. (Calibration takes 24 readings with specific orientations…
  • I love a strong Cheddar. The more ancient, the better it tastes. Cheddar Gorge is also good caving country; it's in the heart of the Mendips. Mild Cheddar is the work of the Devil, though.
  • @nossmf I actually stared lifting in around 2010, and for a while it was my main form of exercise (although I never competed.) I think I am anthropomorphically suited to deadlift; I have long arms and a short torso; so it's always been my best lift. I reached a BMI if 28-ish, which turned out to be way too. heavy. I was in…
  • A related observation is that my libido seems to be noticeably higher as a skinny person than as a larger person. (It's still nowhere near my teenage levels, which is probably good as I got very little done back then.)
  • It is indeed a difficulty scale. There are two main scales used for bouldering in the UK, the v (for "vermin", I think) scale and the Font scale. There are other scales around; and roped climbing has a number of different versions again. This link explains bouldering: https://topbouldering.com/bouldering-grades/ v grades…
  • Friday Lifting. Squat (70 kgs); bench (50 kgs); deadlift (100 kgs). All 3 sets of fahve. I also hangboarded; my fingers are strong at the moment. Body weight: 64 kgs. Saturday Climbing, 3.5 hours. Good fun; although I only got a couple of v4s I got loads of V3. Sunday 13 mile hike Monday Climbing, just over 2 hours.…
  • @AnnPT77 I hope the symptoms ease. I gave up my Fitbit about a year ago; I started to find it too intrusive. I'm pretty sure walking doesn't count unless it is tracked by expensive electronics; God knows how our ancestors coped. (My replacement watch is a £10 Casio digital. It is superb; almost indestructible and if I do…
  • @AnnPT77 get well soon! We pushed our cave discovery on Sunday. We ignored the danger of the chossy boulder choke, and got slightly over 100m of brand new passage, never seen before. It can get a bit narrow; the photo is me reversing as head first didn't work for me on this hole.
  • I went climbing on Wednesday. It was terrible, gravity was far too high. I lifted weights on Thursday (fingerboarding, pull ups, bench and deadlift.) I went caving today. We wandered down a valley with a vague aim of finding new passage. We think we've found around 10 metres of new passage; if we can move a boulder we are…
  • Possibly slightly off-topic, but it's certainly not scale related: I set myself the goal or reading 52 books this year. I will finish the target today or tomorrow. (The final book is on elliptic curves, building up to a statement of Birch Swinnerton-Dyer hypothesis. Most of the others were novels; around 15 were…
  • I went climbing on Saturday. 3 hour session; it was fun. I climbed OK. I did a 21 mile walk today; from my house to Bushy Park and back. The park was shut due to high winds. At one point, there was a sign saying "footpath closed". This struck me as inaccurate: for example, I was I on the path. Therefore it was not closed.…
  • I did a 10 mile walk, then went climbing for 2.5 hours. It was fun; I was in good form. I seem to be back to the form I was in pre-injury. My ankle was slightly swollen at the end, but not painful. (I can do pistol squats again.)
  • I went climbing yesterday. It was fun; I was finally in form and my ankle didn't hurt. It was a training session: we were trying our anti-styles. I got two overhanging, powerful v4s. 2.5 hour session.
  • I've been working on my ankle rehab, which has been going OK but slowly. I seemed to recover reasonably quickly for most things; climbing is proving to be the slowest. I suspect that climbing puts a lot of strain on the ankle. I had one session a couple of weeks ago, where I climbed for 2.5 hours and was limping heavily by…
  • I managed 10 miles' walk and a climb today. Again, I got some easy v3s. I',m not at full fitness, but slowly getting there.
  • @mtaratoot I've found the trick for shore dives is to take the bottles to the entrance separately, and only don them at the last minute (in the water if possible.,) Then getting out is that process in reverse; you leave the bottles at the side to pick up later. I don't need to walk far, if at all, fully kitted up. I went…