drmwc Member

  • Re: What Was Your Work Out Today?

    I went climbing yesterday. It was fun; I got a few and fell off more. I tested myself for COVID today; I'm positive. So I guess I've won a week off climbing and a month off diving. (A few people from…
  • Re: Reversing Diabetes 2

    Indeed. My post she quoted is from 4 years ago. An update: I am not dead yet. I am pretty active; pretty skinny and my blood work remains pretty good. (I aim to keep my weight between 140 and 147 pou…
  • Re: What Was Your Work Out Today?

    I went diving this weekend. It was OK. The second dive was the British Inventor, a wreck in about 20 metres. I drove the boat, and nailed the shot which was right on the wreck. It was a nice dive at …
  • Re: What Was Your Work Out Today?

    My logging has been weak. I've been pretty active, but I have a slight tweak to (I think) an A4 pulley, which means my climbing has been poor. My last session was on Wednesday, 3.5 hours. It was prob…
  • Re: What Was Your Work Out Today?

    Thursday Climbing, 2.25 hours. Mixed, I was good on slab but lacked power on overhang. Saturday Caving. I did a really fun trip, 7.5 hours total. We did the Croesor-Rhosydd Slate Mine through trip in…