lgfrie Member

  • Re: Eating at night/Cravings before bed

    Big time. That's how I ballooned from my college weight of 193 pounds to 330 (now back down to around 240 and still working on it). I doubt more than 10 % of my excess weight was put on before 10 pm.…
  • Re: 8/16 intermittent fasting

    I've been doing IF for 13 months & am coming up on 80 pounds lost. I started with 11 am to 7 pm, but for months I've been doing noon to 7 pm. Works great for me! My problem was nighttime binging …
  • Re: Falling off the wagon HARD

    There's no easy answer to your question. If there was a reliable and easy way to not binge when stressed, the world's population would be stick thin and there'd be no MFP. That said, oh man has 2020 …
  • Time for an off meal!

    Wife and I decided we were overdue for a serious no-counting off meal and made a stash of sushi tonight :) Things they won't serve you in a sushi restaurant, like filet mignon sushi. And lox-cream ch…
  • Re: Resting heart rate

    RHR was a very key metric for me when I started dieting, because I wasn't just trying to lose weight. RHR and blood pressure were both high and getting them down were super important to me. My RHR wa…