lgfrie Member

  • Re: Intermittent fasting vs calorie counting for women

    The comments above have summarized things well. I just wanted to add, as a person who does calorie counting AND IF, that not only are they not mutually exclusive but for the right person, they work w…
  • Re: Break the black/white thinking

    My two cents, which is probably worth around 0.75 cent. 1200 calories is not enough food. My wife tried that and it just doesn't work. 1500 is much more realistic and doable. Very few people of any s…
  • Re: Sad reality.

    In a word, you're feeling impatient. It's very understandable. But the languid pace of weight loss is similar to many other things. College gets a little tedious when you're a sophomore but it's stil…
  • Re: 1500 calories a day is too much

    Let's do some math. I think it'll put your mind at ease. TDEECalculator.net, which is quite accurate for most people, says the maintenance, "break even" caloric level for a sedentary 30 yr …
  • Re: 1500 calories a day is too much

    I would suggest not futzing with the meal schedule, macros, and other diet administrivia for now. People, in general, not saying you the OP specifically, just people in general, tend to greatly over-…