lgfrie Member

  • Re: Coronavirus prep

    A person can do without a lot of things. In a pinch you can eat Ramen noodles for a month, or peanut butter and crackers, or sardines. Almost anything can be worked around and done without. But there…
  • Re: 30 Pounds to Go - High Cholesterol

    Find snacks that are "good" but not "unbelievably fantastic". That in-between zone where it satisfies the craving for a treat without causing you to devour the rest of the package…
  • Re: 9pm Munchies

    Exactly! I agree 1000000 %. We Of A Certain BMI (mine was 47 when I started dieting, so ... pretty chunky) have a very direct, immediate response to hunger pangs. "I am hungry" -> must e…
  • Re: 9pm Munchies

    I'm surprised no one has suggested this, but next time you're having a hunger pang at night just ... don't eat. In fact, don't eat anything at all until the next morning. If you can stomach that (so …
  • Re: Is it drinking alcohol while losing weight is bad?

    In a narrow, technical sense, if you can fit the beers into the calories, then it's doable. In practice, it doesn't work that well. Dieting and alcohol are not natural allies; they will always be fig…